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Want To Create A Full Time Income With Your Course?

"New Book Reveals: A Counterintuitive Approach That Thousands Of Course Creators Are Using To Create 6-Figure "Cash Flow Courses"

Without Lead Generation, Building A List, Posting On Social Media Every Day or Giving Away FREE Content... And Best of All Never Having To Struggle To Sell Their Courses Ever Again!

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What is The Cash Flow Courses Model?

A Cash Flow Course is a counterintuitive approach to creating a sustainable and profitable online course business that generates new clients for you, while allowing you to work when you want, where you want... and how you want!

We do this by designing a premium priced, or High Ticket version of your course or service, and then selling it to a small piece of your market willing and able to buy it right now.

We do this without needing to be an expert marketer building a big audience, running webinars, or giving away lead magnets.

And when done correctly...this free's up your time so that you can live and enjoy your life while working with a few premium clients each month that fund your dream lifestyle...

...this is the High Ticket Courses cash flow model!

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A Cash Flow Course Is A Shortcut To A Lifestyle That Most People Can Only Dream About...

Before I created the Cash Flow Courses model - I was jumping from course to course... idea to idea... struggling to sell my programs and on the verge of giving up.

I was working 60-80 hour weeks, creating course after course that would sell a few copies, but not enough to pay the bills...

I was trapped in a business that I had created to try and find freedom in the first place...

And this led me to try a wild social media experiment that would eventually flip the entire digital course model upside down, break all the rules and free me from the chains of hustling to generate new clients for my business.

After years of trial-and-error, relentless testing and figuring things out the hard way - I've finally reached a point where I turned my digital course into a business that lets me earn over $650,000 (income, not revenue) per year while being "semi-retired" and working just 4 hours per day... 4 days a week!

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire High Ticket Courses cash flow system I built by downloading my new eBook: High Ticket Courses.

Here's how it works:


The High Ticket Courses eBook 

173 page eBook where you learn the entire Cash Flow Courses system.

5 FREE Bonuses TODAY

7-Figure Case Studies

This will help you with systems & mindset you need to automate your business.

Start From Scratch Demo

This agency template is responsible for over $700,000 in automated sales

5-Day Fast Start Challenge

This PDF will get you started QUICKLY so you can get closer to freedom.

Profitability Calculator

Get among like minded people on a similar mission as you!

Million Dollar Course Creators Community

Get started QUICKLY with this mini video series.

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"I could have called anyone in the world to learn how to implement this kind of business, but I invested in Joel because he knows exactly what he's doing."

Mike Dillard

Founder Of 3 Separate 8-Figure Online Businesses

Here's How I Went From Working 60-80 Hour Weeks To Being Semi-Retired And Working Only 4 Hours Per Day, 4 Days Per Week By Breaking All The Rules And Turning The Traditional Course Model Upside Down 

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've

Ever Heard Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Cash Flow Courses Model...





LIST PRICE: $97.00


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Dear Future Semi-Retired Course Creator

From: Joel Erway

Re: Your Semi-Retired Life (and why this is fastest way out)

Chances are that you might be feeling a little skeptical about some of the claims that I've made so far in this letter...

7-figures...semi-retired... working 16 hours each week...

I get it... I would also feel skeptical if I was you.

But just hang in there with me and read this letter from start to finish...

Because it's my goal to give you all the facts and show you that not only is this true... but it will also work for you!

Give Me A Few Minutes To prove That This New Model Will Change Your Life Forever...

But first, read this quick disclaimer:

I have the benefit of running an online business for 8 years now.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS EBOOK.

And yes, it took me time and energy (more than 4 hours a day, 4 days per week) to get everything setup, configured and going…

...But once up and running - I’m able to work whenever I want, wherever I want and with clients that are happy to pay a premium for my services.

I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Digital Course Model That I’m About To Reveal To You On This Very Page...

The same Cash Flow Courses model that thousands of people all around the world are now using to quit their day jobs and create 6- and 7-figure lifestyle businesses that let them "semi-retire" and live life on their own terms...

...And in turn grow their income faster than ever before!

All while working only a few hours per day, a few days per week and focussing on the things that are most important to them.

Like spending time with their families, watching their kids grow up and traveling the world whenever they please...

Just Like Boyd, Who Used The Cash Flow Courses Model To Replace His Full-Time Income By Creating A Business That Generates Him $250,000 per month While Working On His Own Terms...

After Reaching 7-Figures For The First Time In His Career, Boyd posted This In Our Private Million Dollar Course Marketers FB Group:

And even though making over $3 million in revenue from a lifestyle business is pretty cool, that's not the best part...

The best part is that he doesn't have to work if he doesn't want to!

That's right, this unique system generated the clients for him and he collected the money, while hiring a small team to do the work for him.

And Boyd isn’t the only one either…

This Is Karwanna, Another High Ticket Courses Member, Who Started Her Business During The Covid-19 Pandemic...

...And soon after, went from making $20k per year to doing over 7-figures in her business while working a few days each week and spending time with her husband.

Here’s a post she posted in one of our private FB groups (which you will have access to once you download the book)...

Here’s another Cash Flow Courses owner who's using these strategies…

Meet Susan Who Started Getting Her First Sales While Sitting At Home In Her Underwear...

And went on to collect $187,900 in sales within just 7 months of starting.

That's the message she sent me within our private Facebook Group.

Boyd, Karwanna and Susan are a group of over 3,500 Semi-Retired Course Creators That are doing things differently...

And I can GUARANTEE that...

This new "lean" cash flow model is unlike anything you've heard of before.

This is something completely different, because…

  •  We don’t focus on endless content marketing.
  •  We don’t focus on chasing leads.
  •  We don’t focus on selling to thousands.
  •  We don’t give away free things.
  •  We don’t waste time with long webinars.
  •  We don’t negotiate on price.

Why don't we focus on any of that?

Because all of these things take up so much time, money and require us to be expert marketers.

Instead We Setup A Simple Cash Flow Course System Called High Ticket Courses That Automatically Does All Of That For Us In Just A Few Days...

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you.

And I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me!

The Cash Flow Courses model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated about being an online entrepreneur...

  •  Like trying to find new leads all the time to keep the business afloat... 
  •  Having to travel and speak on stage to try and get new clients.
  •  Begging people to buy my courses on webinars...
  • ​ Needing to be glued to my phone posting all day on social media...

The Cash Flow Courses Model Freed Me From All That BS and Allowed Me To Create A 7-figure Machine, Work Only 4 Hours Per Day, 4 Days A Week While Spending Time With My Family and Doing Things That I Actually Enjoy Doing...

I've always believed that the ultimate currency in the world isn't money... it's TIME!

You can make as much money as you want... but you can never get back the time that you spent getting it.

So with that in mind...

Here’s what my digital course business looked like before (and If you’ve ever tried to sell a course before, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Course Creators Dilemma”:

  Step 1 - Spend hours creating lead magnets and "giving value" to build up excitement in your course.

  Step 2 - Try and get your lead magnets and content in front of as many people as possible to collect FB friends and email addresses.

  Step 3 - Spend 4 weeks writing a webinar while trying to build an audience and create reciprocity with your tribe.

  Step 4 - Invite your list and friends to your webinar.

  Step 5 - Host the webinar and hope that people show up even though you've sent them 5+ reminders.

  Step 6 - Very few people show up to the webinar and the ones that do, need to be hand-fed 90 minutes worth of content just to get 1% of them to buy your course for $500.

  Step 7 - You walk away from the webinar with a few sales that just about cover the cost of your ads.

  Step 8 - One or two more sales trickle in from the replays and email reminders but not enough for meaningful change to happen in your life.

  Step 9 - Go back, study the presentation and tweak it to try and increase conversions for the next time.

  Step 10 - Repeat steps 5 to 9 dozens of times until the webinar is converting.

  Step 11 - The offer has started to fizzle out, and hours of your life and thousands of dollars end up being completely wasted.

  Step 12 - Start Over

The big dilemma is that by the time you've done the work to get the webinar to convert... the offer has already started to fizzle out...

So it's almost like this race to get your webinar up and running to capture the profits before you've lost your shot to make money with that offer.

The Course Creators Dilemma kept me stuck for years of my life - forcing me to work my ass off while earning just enough to support my family.

Believe me - I'm widely known as "the Webinar Guy".

And you'll notice that I don't sell information about webinars anymore because I don't believe that they are the fastest path to success.

If i'm completely honest, I had to master webinars just to make a living for myself and my family.

...I almost gave up on this whole “digital course” idea dozens of times.

And if it wasn't for a wild social media experiment that changed everything for me...

Then I probably would have done that!

It took me 5 years of relentless testing to perfect this process... the point where my Cash Flow Course is now generating over $650,000 per year while I live a semi-retired life with my family.

I Put This Entire System Into A 173 Page book Called "High Ticket Courses" And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now...

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how this new system came into existence.

My name’s Joel Erway…

Maybe you've heard of me...Maybe not.

But I'm just a normal guy that figured out a simple system...

And now my life’s pretty amazing.

I don’t really “have to work” any more...

I have a beautiful wife and 2 gorgeous children...

And I consider myself “semi-retired”.

That means that I only work 4 hours per day, 4 days per week by design.

I hang out with my family, watch my kids grow up each day and pursue my different passion projects (like this book).

Here are some of the things that I love to do in my normal "day-to-day activities" since becoming semi-retired...

But you'll quickly discover that I didn't always have this life...

And if it wasn't for one lucky moment that changed everything for me...

Then my current lifestyle never would have existed!

Let me explain...

Life today is better than I could have ever imagined. but one frightful night in 2014 changed everything when my wife woke me up in a dead sleep screaming: "joel! what are you doing?!"

There I was again.

Standing in the corner of my room at 2AM...

Staring at the corner in a blank stare...

Trying to step through my sweatshirt as if I were trying to put on a pants...

I hadn't been able to sleep in months.

My job as a Sales Engineer selling commercial HVAC equipment in Buffalo had pushed me to the brink.

I was 15 lbs overweight.

My face was puffy.

I was talking to my clients in my sleep...

And worse...

I was walking in my sleep.

My wife screamed to wake me up (again) so I didn't do anything to hurt myself.

This wasn't the first time she had seen me do this.

Heck, it wasn't the 10th time...

But for me, I knew right then and there it was going to be my last or...

My Career was going to kill me sooner rather than later

This might sound cliche' but when my wife and I married, I made a promise to her that family would come first.

And if I stayed in this career path I wouldn't be able to hold up my end of the bargain.

I wanted so much freedom for our lives...

I wanted to be able to be the Perfect Husband to my wife and Perfect Dad to our kids...

To be able to go to all of their events...

Send them to private school...

Wake up whenever we wanted...

Travel wherever we wanted...

And unless something drastic changed, none of that was going to happen.

And it would all be my fault.

So I started looking for a way out...

Even though I knew I would literally be giving leaving behind $100,000 in owed commissions from my job.

I wanted the freedom and life for my family no matter the cost.

So, I quit my six-figure career, never looked back, and started my entrepreneurial journey.

Of all the ways I thought about starting a business online...

They all pointed to online courses and education because...

Digital Courses Are One Of The Most Rewarding And Lifestyle Friendly Businesses You Can Start Online

(If Done Correctly)...

You typically spend time creating the content and then you create an automated selling process that works without your involvement.

Just think about it: 

  • There are almost no upfront costs

  • It's highly leveraged to be able to serve 1 customer or 1,000 customers

  • There are millions of people that are desperate to learn all sorts of different skills and strategies out there (unlimited demand)...

  • It's an extremely rewarding and fulfilling way to make a living to be able to genuinely help people

  • The income potential has a nearly unlimited upside

You see there is an endless list of different courses topics that people would pay money for, and that list grows all the time.

Having a digital course was the perfect model for me...

And the best part that attracted me to creating a digital course?

You Can Make A Lot Of Money While Having Complete Time Freedom Using Digital Courses

Which means you can take almost any skill that you have... and create a digital course using it.

And that was the birth of

my First Product...

After doing a bit of research, I decided to write a book about something I was passionate in.

My entire career and education revolved around Engineering.

And Engineers need to pass licensing exams to advance their career.

I had passed the first part of my licensing process using a unique approach.

So, I decided to write a book about it.

I thought this was going to be my ticket for freedom...

I wrote the book "30-Minute EIT - How to beat the FE Exam without beating your head" and published it on Amazon for sale for $9.99 (it's still there today).

Here's that book:

I hired a professional designer and editor to make the book look professional.

Launched it...

And you know what?

It actually did pretty well...

So well that it became an Amazon best seller!

Here's a post when I found out we became #1 Amazon Best Sellers in the Study Guide category. May 19, 2014...

On the outside, it looked amazing.

But on the inside, my bank account was broke.

The most I ever made in a single month from those book sales was less than $100...

I quickly realized that trying to make a full-time income selling a $9 eBook was pretty difficult.

And, that the book wasn't going to sell itself.

So, I paid $7,000 to join an entrepreneurship group.

Then another $10,000 to learn marketing...

And another $35,000 to a mastermind...

Then thousands of dollars on ads to run webinars...

And thousands more to run ads to lead magnet funnels...

I was working 60-80 hours a week (again)...

Had built myself a prison after having just escaped my corporate one...

All the while launching various other courses and products that I thought were going to be my next big breakthrough...

I was losing money hand over fist...

I was about ready to quit...

But I'm so glad I didn't...

because fast forward to today and My Life Is Completely Different...

I proved that “following the traditional path” to sell digital courses is completely wrong…

Instead of spending 90-minutes trying to convince someone to buy a $500 course...

Instead of spending thousands on marketing and testing new ads...

And instead of creating dozens of variations of webinars to find one that is profitable...

I make pancakes with my kids almost every morning (I'm addicted okay)

I watch the Buffalo Bills play whenever I want to...

And I get to be the husband that my beautiful wife truly deserves (this is on our 10 year wedding anniversary)...

I am in complete control of my time, my life and my income.

I do what I want... when I want.

And I barely ever think of money anymore.

You see, course creators will spend endless hours building lists, creating content, creating webinars, and following up..

I did this for years, and it not only drove me crazy…

It drove me to the point where I was spending more time than making money.

My approach to creating and selling digital courses that were meant to give me freedom...

Was the thing that was taking it away!

Want To Know What The Main Difference Is Between The Cash Flow Courses Model And The “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

I focus on producing courses that create CASH FLOW FIRST.

Then, reinvest my profits to delegate my list-building marketing activities to scale.

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

We pulled in $646,967 in income (not revenue) while living our best life.

I no longer struggle to find new clients, create offers and make money online anymore.

I'm at a point where my business serves me and it's no longer the other way around.

I focus on being an adoring husband and father...

And I make enough that I never have to worry about money again!

And the best part is that this is all intentionally planned.

If you want to make a fortune with this system then you can do that!

I just choose not to!

The reason that I got into business was to find time freedom.

And that means that I made a conscious choice to do less of this...

And more of this...

The choice is yours!

But the really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach then you end up selling your course to premium buyers... right?

But it’s actually much more than that...

It’s Actually An Automated Customer Acquisition system That Generates New Buyers For You Every Month...

How many online business models have you seen come and go through the years?

I've personally seen dozens of different models disappear throughout my career...

Sure, there are tons of ways to "make money online"...

New ones pop up every single day.

But actually helping others achieve a result through a program or a course is timeless...

And extremely fulfilling and rewarding...

As long as problems in the world exist there will always be a market for people looking for help solving them!

I have been implementing and teaching the High Ticket Courses cash flow model for 6 years now.

We've generated well over $50MM collectively as a group between myself and my clients.

And have helped thousands of course creators build sustainable businesses and help tens of thousands of people.

There's plenty of proof this works.

But the best part?

I don't like to manage a large team.

My business is very lightweight.

I let the “system” do most of the heavy lifting for me.

That is ultimate freedom!

Now, speaking of longevity and the system...

I’m going to share something that all of the other gurus out there won't tell you.

And they're out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach.

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Trying To Build A Large list First In Order To Sell Their Course...

Here’s why:

There are two types of course creators out there.

There are the "old school creators" and there are "modern day creators".

For my first 3 years of running my business - I had bought into the "old school" approach of launching a course.

Old school creators are always trying to build a bigger audience and email list to try and get more people onto their webinars.

Their strategy is to try to give enough free value and create enough reciprocity that people "feel obligated" to buy.

And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time on..

  •  Creating endless amounts of content
  • Advertising their lead magnets to grow a list
  • Testing and tweaking their webinars

Creating tons of social media posts

Writing tons of emails

Begging their list to buy their courses
